- HAND-CRAFTED: At Tenor Guitar Place we put our hearts Into taking the beauty of design and functionality to a whole other level. Each String Winder has spectacular vintage look and is made of beautiful solid wood by our team of talented luthiers.
- THE PERFECT GIFT: A beautiful, elegant and valuable GIFT for Guitar, Banjo, Ukulele or Mandolin players. Made of the finest materials and Hand-Crafted by expert luthiers, Tenor's String Winder is THE PERFECT GIFT with a personal touch.
- FUNCTIONALITY MEETS BEAUTY: A professional accessory for guitar players. Ergonomically designed for friendlier use, makes string changing quicker and much easier. Built tough to last longer yet light and portable. Provides an excellent fit with smooth action as well as outstanding tactile fit in the hand.
- ONE DESIGN FITS ALL: Fits all Guitar, Banjo, Ukulele or Mandolin instruments. The ultimate restringing tool - Keep one in every case.